
 Jagoda Karać-Ivanov was born  in Sarajevo, 1961, Yugoslavia. Graduated from the Faculty of Arts in Priština, Kosovo, in 1983 at the Department of Fine Arts, the Graphic Design Studio.

Completed post graduate studies in 1988 at the Faculty of Applied Arts and Design in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, at the Department of Graphics, The Book Graphic Studio, in the class of Professor Bogdan Kršić.


Jagoda Karać-Ivanov is a member of the Association of the Artists of Fine and Applied Arts and Designers of Kosovo since 1984. Also a member of the Association of the Artists of Fine and Applied Arts and Designers Serbia since 1987 , a member of the New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts since 1995, member of the  Hutt Art Society since 1995, a member of The New Zealand Portrait Gallery since 2000 and a member of Hutt Camera Club since 2006 and a member of the Artist Alliance since 2008.

Lives and works in Lower Hutt, New Zealand






1983    First Award at the “Creative Women” Exhibition, Provincial National Theatre Hall, Priština, Yugoslavia


1992    First Award at the “9th Youth Show”, Contemporary Gallery of the National Museum of Kikinda, Yugoslavia.






International Biennial Gallery in Cracow, Poland


Yugoslav Portrait Gallery in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Cultural Centre in Zrenjanin, Serbia


Cultural Centre in Majdanpek, Serbia


Peoples Museum in Kikinda, Serbia 


Cultural Centre in Smederevo, Serbia


Auckland Art Gallery Library, New Zealand


Works of Jagoda Karac-Ivanov are kept in private collections in France, Italy, Countries of Former Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Greece, Spain, Germany, Japan, Canada, USA, Australia and New Zealand. 


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